Privacy Policy

Last Updated:  April 30, 2023

Your privacy is very important to us! We have developed this privacy policy in order for you to better understand how we collect, use, disclose, communicate, and make use of your personal information submitted through our website.

By entering this site, you agree to be bound by this privacy policy. The information and resources contained on this website are subject to your agreement to our terms and conditions. This website is available to all users for the sole purpose of providing information about Search Engine Optimization, Web Design, Marketing, and Web Development services that we provide.

The accuracy of the website and the information it contains is not guaranteed. All materials on this server and Internet website are owned and copyrighted by John Donboli and are protected by United States and international copyrights. This privacy policy applies solely to information collected by our website. Our website and business operations may gather information about you in order to operate.

Personally Identifiable Information

“Personal information” is information that identifies you as an individual. John Donboli collects certain types of personal information when you access our website, which may include: your name, your title, your address, your phone number, your fax number, and your e-mail address. WE DO NOT GIVE AWAY OR SELL YOUR INFORMATION TO THIRD PARTIES UNLESS WE HAVE SPECIFICALLY OBTAINED YOUR PERMISSION BEFOREHAND.

We may use your personal information:

  • to respond to your inquiries and fulfill your requests, such as sending you newsletters
  • to send you important information regarding the website, changes to our terms, conditions, and policies, and/or other administrative information
  • to personalize your experience on the website by presenting advertising, products, and offers tailored to you
  • for our business purposes, such as data analysis, audits, developing new products, enhancing our website, improving our services, identifying usage trends, and determining and improving the effectiveness of our promotional campaigns

Non-personal Information

Non-personal information is any information that does not reveal your specific identity:

  • browser information
  • information collected through cookies and other similar technologies
  • aggregated information
  • demographic information and other information provided by you

John Donboli collects certain types of non-personal information when you access our website, which may include: your MAC address, your computer type, your OS version, screen resolution, your Internet browser, as well as demographic data such as your location. We also collect non-personal information through the use of cookies or other similar technologies.


We may send a cookie to your computer to gather statistical information. Cookies do not personally identify you – it is simply a way to know that a particular web browser was used to visit our website. COOKIES ARE NOT VIRUSES. To learn more about cookies, please visit

IP Addresses

IP addresses are identified and logged automatically in our server log files whenever a user visits our website, along with the time of the visit and the pages that were visited. This is a standard practice and is done automatically by many websites on the Internet.

John Donboli uses IP addresses for purposes such as calculating website usage levels, helping diagnose server problems, geographic mapping, and administering the website. Please note that we treat IP addresses, server log files, and related information as non-personal information, except where we are required to do otherwise under applicable law.

Third Parties

Our website may include social media features, such as the Facebook Like or Tweet This button. These features may collect your IP address, which page you are visiting on our site, and may set a cookie to enable the feature to function properly. These features are either hosted by a third party or hosted directly on our website. Your interactions with these features are governed by the privacy policy of the company providing it. WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE OR LIABLE FOR THE ACTS AND/OR OMISSIONS OF THIRD-PARTY VENDORS.


The security of your personal information is important to us! John Donboli uses reasonable organizational, technical, and administrative measures to protect personal information under our control. If you have reason to believe that your interaction with us is no longer secure, immediately notify us of the problem by contacting us in accordance with the “Contact Us” section.

California Privacy Rights

California has passed legislation requiring certain specific disclosures be made available to California residents who use the Internet and provide information that may be used for marketing purposes. This requires any and all businesses that disclose a customer's personal information (as defined by the act) to any third party for direct marketing purposes to provide the customer a method for obtaining the names, addresses, and certain other specified details of anyone who might have received that personal information. If you are a California resident, you may request this information by writing to us at the address below. However, we are not obligated to respond to more than one such request from you per calendar year.

Updates to Our Privacy Policy

We may change or add more information to our Privacy Policy. Whenever we make a change to this Privacy Policy, the “Last Updated” legend at the top of the page will show when the policy has last been revised. If and whenever we make changes to this policy, we will notify you in this policy, by e-mail or by means of a notice on our home page prior to the changes becoming effective. Any changes to this privacy policy will become effective when we post the revised privacy policy on the website. Your use of the website following these changes means that you accept the revised privacy policy.  

Contacting Us

If you have any questions about this privacy policy, please contact us.

Address: 13223 Black Mountain Road, Suite 222, San Diego, CA 92129

Telephone: (858) 367-0851